BABY OLIVIA PREGNANT VIDEO – Baby Growing in Womb VideoAftyn Behn had hoped that this year would mark the absence of any anti-abortion bills from the Tennessee legislature. The Democrat reasoned that her Republican colleagues in the Tennessee House would focus their energies on issues other than limiting reproductive rights, as it is currently illegal to abort pregnancies in the state.
What is Baby Olivia Video?
Baby Olivia was designed by Live Action and examined by certified obstetricians to showcase to viewers the amazing life of a developing fetus. This film portrays the beginning of life and beyond with scientific precision to highlight the humanity of the preborn at every stage of human development.
Baby Olivia Full Video in HD
A bill mandating fetal development videos in Tennessee public schools is passed by the Senate.
This glossy pink, adorable video is so outrageously innocent. It underplays how intricate reproductive health is. The medical profession and women are both insulted by it, according to Senator Heidi Campbell, a Democrat from Nashville. “Being pregnant is a medical condition that requires urgent attention. It is insulting to use women’s health issues as propaganda material to brainwash kids.
HB 2435/SB 2767 requires all family life curricula in the state to include a 3-minute computer-generated or high definition ultrasound film that illustrates fetal growth, starting with the 2024–2025 school year. An animation created by an anti-abortion movement group that claims human life begins at conception is used as an example by the law.
Baby Olivia video Controversy
In comparison to Tennessee, other states have not seen as much movement with the Baby Olivia law. The legislation, which targeted eighth and twelfth graders, was approved by the West Virginia Senate in February, but the Legislature adjourned before it could pass the House of Delegates.
Legislators in Iowa are discussing whether to ban explicit allusions to the Baby Olivia video in favor of requiring any video that shows the “humanity of the unborn child.” Missouri and Kentucky have not seen any progress on the bill in the interim.
Progress On Leaked Video
Republicans also rejected an amendment that would have mandated that schools post a notice alerting children to the video’s “political propaganda” and “medically inaccurate content,” which was supported by Senate Minority Caucus Chair London Lamar, D-Memphis.
Additionally, a fourth amendment proposed by Campbell that would have mandated comprehensive sex education in schools was rejected by the vote.
State legislation mandates that all counties where the adolescent birth rate surpasses 19.5 per 1,000 females between the ages of 15 and 19 provide a family life program. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that represents 78 out of the 95 counties in the state.